Omer Reminder & Meditation: Saturday night, April 30, 2011
Nissan 26, 5771 · April 30, 2011
12th Day of the Omer

Tonight, Saturday night, April 30, 2011, we count twelve days, which is one week and five days of the Omer.

For detailed instructions on how to count the Omer, blessing text, omer calendar, and more information, please click here.


A Spiritual Guide to the Counting of the Omer
Forty-Nine Steps to Personal Refinement

Day Five of Week 2: Hod of Gevurah

The results of discipline and might without humility are obvious. The greatest catastrophes have occurred as a result of people sitting in arrogant judgement of others. Am I arrogant in the name of justice (what I consider as just)? Do I ever think that I sit on a higher pedestal and bestow judgement on my subjects below? What about my children? Students?

A judge has to be the most humble of creatures, recognizing that he sits in judgement not by his own merit but only because G-d gave the right to judge His children.

Exercise for the day: Don't judge anyone unless you are doing so selflessly with no personal bias.

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From A Spiritual Guide to the Omer by Simon Jacobson
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