JEWISH LIVING: No-Potato Passover, What If We Never Left Egypt? (and more...)
Nissan 10, 5772 · April 2, 2012
This Week's Features
By Aviva Kanoff
Musing for Meaning
We are both slave and slavemaster simultaneously, where our inability to attain freedom is coming from within...

By Sara Esther Crispe

By Dovid Taub and Yitzchak Feigenbaum
Watch Watch (2:07)
Time in Thought
Appreciating the Process
Passover is a celebration of what could be considered a moot point. What good does it do me to get out of one prison, if I'm in a different one now?

by Shalvi Weissman
At times, sharing opportunities may appear at our doorstep, neatly wrapped with a shining bow. At other times, the gift is hurled through an open window, perhaps during a thunderstorm at 3:00 AM. Perhaps when we least expected or wanted it...

By Chana Perman
Personal Journeys
She looked me up and down as though I were a bug on a pin. Then she said the words that still reverberate through my mind . . .

By Hanna B. Geshelin
Chanie Zirkind knows her crowd. Before her Seder guests even arrive, she sets out a smorgasbord of goodies at the entryway to her central California location, arranges special handmade matzah on the table, and does her best to be a navigator of sorts to participants who might have special needs.

By Karen Schwartz
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