Jewish.TV Schedule for week of April 29
Iyar 7, 5772 · April 29, 2012
A Child Survivor of Auschwitz
Rabbi Nissen Mangel was a 10-year old child when he came to the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz. There he witnessed unspeakable atrocities, but he also witnessed amazing acts of faith. In this moving and powerful talk, Rabbi Mangel tells his first-hand account of what he saw. (Many viewers may find details described to be extremely disturbing. Viewer discretion advised.)

By Nissen Mangel
A Taste of Text—Kedoshim
On a simple level, loving another means treating them with the respect with which you would want to be treated. On a deeper level, it is the ability to love another, like a father loves a child, regardless of who and what they are.

By Chana Weisberg
How to Study Torah - Acharei-Kedoshim
The Torah commands us "to be holy." What does this injunction mean? Many commentaries explain that it refers to not indulging even in permissible pleasures. What is the difference between asceticism and holiness?

By Mendel Kaplan
Parsha Acharei-Kedoshim
Rabbi Raskin looks at the hidden meanings of the sizes and numerical values (gematria) of the Hebrew letters in the weekly Torah portion.

Aaron L. Raskin
Parsha Kedoshim
Why does Maimonides equate the commandment of keeping fair weights and measures to the commandment of believing in the Exodus? The answer leads to a better understanding of the Exodus as the foundation of all commandments and also the issue of free choice in the face of Divine decree. (Based on Likkutei Sichos, vol. 27, pp. 149)

By Moshe New
Secrets of Domestic Harmony
What are the key elements to maintaining a strong and loving bond with your spouse?

By Goldie Plotkin
Daily Parshah, Tanya and Rambam Class
Maimonides' Book of Mitzvot

By Mendel Kaplan
Short Daily Insights

With Moshe Steiner
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Challah Board - Wood
"L'kovod Shabbat V'Yom Tov" translates as "To Honor the Shabbat and Holidays". Made of a wood laminate. The included serrated knife fits comfortably into a slot on the board for easy storage. A great choice for a new apartment, dorm room or vacation home.

Price: $16.99

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