"TODAY'S DAY": Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Today's Day"
Adar I 26, 5771 · March 2, 2011

Wednesday 26 Adar I 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Vayakheil, Revi'i.
Tehillim: 119, 97 to end.
Tanya: As for the (p. 145)...Sefer Charedim (p. 147).

With three instruments of service - love of G-d, love of Torah and love of Israel - must young students of Torah approach their Avoda in the vineyard of the L-rd of Hosts,1 to bring the hearts of their brothers closer to observing practical mitzvot and to designating regular time for Torah study. They must do this without paying any attention to the affliction of factions. The absolute truth is that the heart of Israel is a wellspring, a source of living waters,2 and there is a "covenant"3 with effort4 and publicity - that they shall never be fruitless.

1. See Yeshayahu 5:7.
2. See Yirmiyahu 2:13.
3. See Tishrei 12, p. 95.
4. To reach the hearts of brother-Jews.

Compiled by the Lubavitcher Rebbe; Translated by Yitschak Meir Kagan    More articles...  |   RSS Listing of Newest Articles by this Author
Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the sixth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of righteous memory.

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