Adar II 23, 5771 · March 29, 2011 | Editor's Note:
Birds are chirping, the grass is getting green, and the naked winter trees will soon show some color. "Keep the month of spring, and make the Passover offering to the L-rd, your G-d, for in the month of spring, the L-rd, your G-d, brought you out of Egypt at night." (Deuteronomy 16:1) Passover is always in the spring month (Aviv), which begins today. After all, what better time is there to celebrate G-d having taken us out of Egypt-the birth of our nation-than the time of year when the world seems to be born again and signs of life begin to pulsate in the gushing rivers and verdant parks? It is no coincidence that out national birth coincides with the rebirth of the world. After all, the world was created for no other purpose than for us to use it as a vehicle through which we serve G-d. Every person, every animal, every blade of grass joins together in one harmonious song to the Creator of all. And we are the conductors. Menachem Posner, on behalf of the Editorial Team | | | Video & Audio | | Great spiritual treasures lie hidden in the most material aspects of our world-a unique chassidic perspective on physicality. By Nomi Freeman | | | | How there came to be two different Talmuds, and how they differ from each other. | | | | Tazria-Metzora Parshah Report Join Jono and Gefilte Fish as they explore the fascinating topic of old-world diseases. Dovid Taub & Jonathan Goorvich | | | | See, hear and taste the joy of Shabbat. A must for anyone venturing to take the first steps towards Shabbat observance. | | | Parshah | | Why can't the world become better and more wholesome as we progress towards Moshiach?
By Rochel Holzkenner | | | | Will we be forgiven if we ignore the faults of others for a while as we examine our own?
By Zalman Posner | | | | Think about it. This little tiny seed is basically a treasure-chest of DNA, prepared to give birth to a variety of beings . . .
By Tuvia Teldon | | | | Everyone can become a "mother." To create, we must rise above our individuality.
By Yanki Tauber | | | | Why was the command to establish a calendar given before the rest of the Torah?
By Naftali Silberberg | | | Spirituality | | Pack your bags. Actually, unpack your bags. Everything you need for sweet dreams and a fresh lease on life every morning.
By Tzvi Freeman | | | | Not prayer, not worship, but an intimate sharing of heart and soul. A communion. Reaching deeper and yet deeper and finding there G-d Himself.
| | | | Every individual is commanded to study the entire Torah, a goal not within reach for most people. However, it is possible to study the whole Torah as compiled by Maimonides.
By Dovid Zaklikowski | | | Jewish Practice | | I noticed the kids washing their hands by the bed in the morning. This seems like a crazy ritual. Could you enlighten me?
By Yossy Gordon | | | | Our sages encourage women to use the pregnancy months for increasing in good deeds and spiritual refinement.
By Chana & Dovid Zaklikowski | | | | An introduction to the basics of weekday and Shabbat prayer services.
| | | Living | | When meeting Professor Velvl Greene for the first time, it's hard to imagine that the jovial, bearded Chabad chassid was once at the forefront of NASA . . .
By Gavriel Horan | | | | How can one forgive a parent when one is still reeling from the intensity of the hurt and pain he caused?
By Shmary Brownstein | | | | I'm having trouble understanding the rule of mar'it ayin. Isn't what I do more important than what I appear to be doing?
By Aron Moss | | | | Gretl lay there with her eyes closed, not unconscious, but not awake, for days and days . . .
By Ann Goldberg | | | Women | | I want to show my readers, in the wrenching three-dimensional visions of words, how things could turn around...
By Anonymous | | | | I helplessly watched the machines pump air and life into her skinny and frail body, barely the length of my forearm . . .
By Beryl Tritel | | | Stories | | "Have you ever noticed," remarked the rebbe, "how a horse paws angrily at the water when it's led to a stream to drink?"
From the Chassidic Masters | | | | "It's just not the same anymore without him," she bows her head. I nod in agreement, but inside I'm singing . . .
By Chani Hadad | | | | Sickle in hand, the elderly Reb Zalman, with his broad, regal beard and face shining with joy, was swift and nimble as a lad . . .
Told by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch | | | | | | Featured Judaica: Shmurah Matzah Cover Lush navy blue velvet has elaborate embroidery - four cups full of deep red wine, colorful floral bouquets, and heavy gold fringe. Tabs, for easy access to the 3 pockets, are labeled in Hebrew "Cohen, Levi, Israel". Price: $35.00 On Sale: $31.50 |