Adar II 24, 5771 · March 30, 2011 | General Overview:
The bulk of this week's portion, Tazria, discusses various forms of tzara'at, skin maladies which are contracted as a result of engaging in forbidden gossip. Also discussed are certain garment discolorations which constitute "clothing tzara'at." | | | THE PARSHAH | | Leviticus 12:1-13:59 The dynamics of birth, the covenant of circumcision, the power of speech, the plague of badmouthing, four shades of whiteness -- and what it all means according to sages and mystics from Moses to today
| | | COLUMNISTS | | Why can't people become better, more wholesome, more peaceful and G‑d-conscious as we progress towards Moshiach? The answer follows the lines of the unusual law of the pure leper.
By Rochel Holzkenner | | | | The Essence of Circumcision, the Essence of a Jew The extraordinary message expressed by circumcision is what caused it to rise to the top of the list of rituals our enemies sought to eradicate time and again throughout our history. But what is this message?
By Mendel Kalmenson | | | | Think about it. This little tiny seed is basically a treasure-chest of DNA, prepared to (in the right circumstances) give birth to any of a variety of beings . . .
By Tuvia Teldon | | | FEATURED VIDEO | | Practical Parshah - Tazria This portion provides the Biblical source for the mitzvah of circumcision on the eighth day. What are the specific laws and customs of this life-cycle event? By Mendel Kaplan | | | | Tazria-Metzora Parshah Report Ever heard the old saying, "Never let a monkey feed you grapes"? Well, neither did Jono. Join Jono and Gefilte Fish as they explore the fascinating topic of old-world diseases, and learn about being careful with what you say about other people along the way. Dovid Taub & Jonathan Goorvich | | | FEATURED AUDIO CLASSES | | An overview of the weekly Parsha, through the eyes of the many commentators, enriching your understanding of how our great history unfolded. By Marty Goodman | | | | This weeks Torah portion teaches us the laws of impurity, particularly that of a Women who has given birth, what is the reason for such a law? By Mendel Kaplan | | | | A five minute weekly Torah insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut. By J. Immanuel Schochet | | | | | | Featured Judaica: Shmurah Matzah Cover Lush navy blue velvet has elaborate embroidery - four cups full of deep red wine, colorful floral bouquets, and heavy gold fringe. Tabs, for easy access to the 3 pockets, are labeled in Hebrew "Cohen, Levi, Israel". Price: $35.00 On Sale: $31.50 |