"TODAY'S DAY": Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Today's Day"
Adar II 25, 5771 · March 31, 2011

Thursday Adar Sheini 25* 5703
Torah lessons: Chumash: Sh'mini, Chamishi with Rashi.
Tehillim: 119, 1-96.
Tanya: Not that an (p. 183)...in man (respectively). (p. 185).

The chassid, R. Mordechai Horodoker, related: The first aphorism we heard from the Alter Rebbe when we arrived in Lyozna was: What is forbidden is forbidden, and what is permitted is unnecessary. For some three or four years we labored with this until we integrated this manner (of service) into the various aspects of our lives. Only then did we enter into yechidus, to ask for a path in avoda.

*. This day marks the birth, in 5661 (1901) of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka o.b.m., daughter of the Previous Rebbe o.b.m., and wife of the Rebbe of righteous memory.

Compiled by the Lubavitcher Rebbe; Translated by Yitschak Meir Kagan    More articles...  |   RSS Listing of Newest Articles by this Author
Compiled and arranged by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, in 5703 (1943) from the talks and letters of the sixth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of righteous memory.
Dedicated in the merit of a recovery for
Liza Sarah bat Yehudit,
and for a healthy pregnancy.

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