- update next 9 | |
- Model Ini Bugil jika India Juara Kriket
- Morning-after pill made free at pharmacies in Wales
- Save the Children: No expert birth help for millions
- Prescription charges abolished in Scotland
- Childhood eating disorder care dan#039;urgently neededdan#039;
- Patients spend dan#039;too long in secure mental health unitsdan#039;
- Diskon Jasa Bengkel Resmi Daihatsu Bisa 54 Persen Lo!
- April, Beras Impor Dilarang Masuk Indonesia
- Trik Agar Posisi Seks Misionaris Tak Membosankan
- BRI`s profit up 56 pct
Model Ini Bugil jika India Juara Kriket Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:37 PM PDT NEW DELHI, – Perempuan India dididik untuk berpakaian sopan sepanjang waktu. Namun, model populer Poonam Pandey (20) berjanji akan menanggalkan seluruh pakaiannya jika tim kriket India menjuarai Piala Dunia Kriket dalam final di Mumbai, 2 April. Pandey, yang penampilannya membuat kalender edisi pakaian renang India laku keras, mengatakan, dia ingin memotivasi para pemain. ”Aku penggemar fanatik kriket dan pendukung tim nasional. Tim India perlu dukungan dan ini caraku mendukung mereka,” ujarnya. Sejauh ini dukungan Pandey berhasil karena India mengalahkan Pakistan di semifinal, Rabu (30/3), dan akan menghadapi Sri Lanka di final. Pandey mengingatkan dunia pada model asal Paraguay, Larissa Riquelme, yang bernazar lari tanpa busana jika tim sepak bola Paraguay menjadi juara Piala Dunia 2010. Paraguay dikalahkan Spanyol di perempat final, tetapi Riquelme tetap berpose telanjang di depan bendera nasional. (AP/Was) Sent Using Telkomsel Mobile Internet Service powered by Sumber : Kompas Cetak Source: kompas internasional Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Model Ini Bugil jika India Juara Kriket. |
Morning-after pill made free at pharmacies in Wales Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:36 PM PDT Emergency contraception can now be obtained without charge from pharmacies across Wales, while still costing about 25 in the rest of the UK. Community pharmacists will also be able to give the "morning-after pill" to under-16s, if clinically appropriate – a move that has angered campaigners. Some GPs have warned about "missed opportunities" to educate young women about sexually transmitted diseases. Ministers said chemists had a vital role in reducing unwanted pregnancies. Parts of Wales have some of the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the UK. Health minister Edwina Hart announced the move last November, saying she wanted professional advice available without appointment and "easily accessible within the 72-hour time span necessary for emergency contraception to be most effective". The morning-after pill is free to women across the UK if it is prescribed by a GP or family planning clinic, but Wales is the first nation to offer emergency contraception without charge on the high street. The change will affect 700 pharmacies. The pill will be allowed to be dispensed to under-16s if pharmacists decide if it is clinically appropriate to dispense it and if the girl requesting the pill understands what she is asking for. But Josephine Quintavalle, founder of Comment on Reproductive Ethics (Core), said it would encourage "irresponsible" attitudes to sex. She told BBC Wales: "It's absolutely the wrong way to address the problems of high rates of teenage pregnancy in Wales. The idea that young girls can just walk into a chemist will mean they become even less responsible about sexuality. ‘Know the dangers’ "I don't see how any chemist can stop a 12-year-old taking the morning-after pill, some 12-year-olds do look like 16-year-olds these days." Dr Marina Arulanandam, of the Llandaff Surgery in Cardiff, said GPs and family planning clinics had a vital role to play in educating women about a whole range of issues like sexual health, ectopic pregnancies and possible side-effects of taking the medication. She said: "It's important young people know the dangers of unprotected intercourse. "It's not just pregnancy they should worry about, it's STDs [sexually transmitted diseases] – these are huge problems we need to be addressing and I don't think the pharmacies will have enough time to do this." Practice nurse Louise Lidbury said she was concerned no universal guidance had been handed out to chemists. "They should be asking how many times they have used (the pill), things like consent if it's a young girl and looking at their past medical history. "They can go to one chemist and then another and there's no audit trail if they travel from chemist to chemist. "I've had a young girl aged 14 in a relationship with a 19-year-old and she did end up discussing it was not entirely consensual and that was an opportunity for me to discuss with her how she was going to manage that situation. "That opportunity could have been lost if she was going to get an over-the-counter morning-after pill." However, the move has been welcomed by family planning charity Marie Stopes International. Janet Pearce, a nurse adviser at the charity's call centre, said: "This is an important step forward in preventing unplanned pregnancies and abortions amongst women in Wales. "It will be particularly beneficial for low income women and young women who may risk a pregnancy because of the cost associated with the emergency contraceptive pill." She added that women often experienced delays when trying to get emergency contraception via their GP or a family planning clinic. Ian Cowan, chairman of Community Pharmacy Wales, said the service as it already exists made a "massive difference to women's lives" and was "immensely reassuring to the women who need it". source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Morning-after pill made free at pharmacies in Wales. |
Save the Children: No expert birth help for millions Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:36 PM PDT Nearly 48 million women, or one in three, around the world give birth each year without expert help, a report from UK charity Save the Children estimates. If the global shortage of 350,000 midwives was met, more than 1m babies could be saved every year, it said. It said 1,000 women and 2,000 babies were dying every day from easily preventable birth complications. The charity urged world leaders to show the political will to improve access to midwives and healthcare globally. Save the Children, which is launching a campaign for more midwives, said more babies in poorer countries died from lack of oxygen at birth than from malaria. It said women in the poorest countries were the least likely to have a skilled attendant present at delivery, were much more likely to lose their child, and were the most likely to die during childbirth. In Ethiopia, 94% of women give birth without trained help, while in the UK the figure is only 1%, the charity said. In the UK – where there are 749,000 births a year – there are 26,825 working midwives, while in Rwanda – where 400,000 babies are born a year – there are only 46. Afghanistan has one of the highest infant mortality rates, with 52 in every 1,000 births ending in death. The report said Afghan women faced a one in 11 risk of dying from complications during pregnancy and childbirth. One in five children dies before the age of five. Many babies in Afghanistan die because of traditional practices, such as placing them on the floor to ward off evil spirits, which can cause infection, it said. Justin Forsyth, chief executive of Save the Children, said no mother should face giving birth without help. "It doesn't have to be complicated: someone who knows how to dry a baby properly and rub its back to help it breathe can make the difference between life and death. No child is born to die." Mr Forsyth called on governments around the world to put health workers at the heart of their plans. "World leaders pledged to do just that last year, but now they need to deliver the funds and political will to support this pledge. Without it, mums and babies will continue to die needlessly every day," he said. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Save the Children: No expert birth help for millions. |
Prescription charges abolished in Scotland Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:36 PM PDT England is now the only part of the UK still charging for some prescriptions after Scotland joined Northern Ireland and Wales in abolishing the fees. About half a million people in Scotland should benefit from the change brought in by the SNP government. It comes on the same day charges per item rise in England by 20p to 7.40. The NHS in England raises more than 450m a year from the charges but doctors leaders and patients' groups want free prescriptions across the UK. The British Medical Association and the Patients Association have both campaigned for the change. Some 90% of items dispensed in England are exempt from charges but the NHS says the income from the remaining 10% would pay for 18,000 nurses. Prescription charges have been falling in Scotland for the last three years and stood at 3 before today's change, which will mean the Scottish government losing out on 57m a year. Under devolution, Wales was the first part of the UK to make prescriptions free – four years ago – and Northern Ireland followed in 2010. Prescriptions were free for all when the NHS was set up in 1948. source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Prescription charges abolished in Scotland. |
Childhood eating disorder care dan#039;urgently neededdan#039; Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:36 PM PDT By James GallagherHealth reporter, BBC News There is an urgent need for services to recognise and treat eating disorders in young children, say doctors. The first study of the scale of the problem in the UK has been published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. It study of UK and Irish data suggests three in every 100,000 children under the age of 13 have an eating disorder, including children as young as six. The charity Beat has called for more specialist treatment for young people as it could save lives. Even younger There has been anecdotal evidence of children having eating disorders at even younger ages, but the issue had not been formally studied. The researchers from University College London used monitoring data from between March 2005 and May 2006 in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. They identified 208 cases of eating disorders in children between five and 13, with more than four in five cases being in girls. Dr Dasha Nicholls, a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist at Great Ormond Street Hospital, said there were huge developmental differences between children and adolescents and adults. "Unfortunately, many eating disorder services are aimed specifically at adolescents," she said. "Our study shows there is an urgent need to consider the needs of children with eating disorders separately and not simply lower the age range of existing adolescent services." She added that it had been thought that puberty could be a trigger for eating disorders, however, that did not account for these cases. A spokesperson for the charity Beat said: "Beat welcomes this new research from UCL – and supports the call for improved diagnosis and specialist treatment for these young people. "Although there is first class treatment available in this country for adolescents and adults with eating disorders, there is very little for those under the age of 13. "The earlier the intervention, the better the long term prognosis for a full recovery to avoid these young lives being blighted or even lost to these serious conditions." source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Childhood eating disorder care dan#039;urgently neededdan#039;. |
Patients spend dan#039;too long in secure mental health unitsdan#039; Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:36 PM PDT Patients are spending too long in mental health secure units because of a lack of community services for them to move on to, says a report. The Centre for Mental Health says patients spend two years on average in a secure unit, costing 200,000 per patient per year. This is damaging for them and for those waiting for a bed, it warns. The government this week said 5m would be spent helping offenders with mental health problems stay away from prison. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said the money would go to creating 100 "diversion sites". These are used to identify the mental health needs of offenders at an early stage and help keep them out of prison and secure units. That announcement has been welcomed by the Centre for Mental Health. Spending sums It says that spending on secure services more than doubled between 2002 and 2010 and now accounts for nearly a fifth of all adult mental health expenditure. Professor Sean Duggan, chief executive of the Centre for Mental Health, said that secure mental health services had a vital role to play in rehabilitating offenders with severe mental health problems. "But the current shape of secure services is top-heavy, with too little provision of step-down and community care for those who no longer need to be in secure beds. As a result prisoners who are acutely unwell can't be transferred because beds are blocked." However, he was unable to provide exact figures for how many patients were spending too long in secure units. But he added: "The current NHS reforms are an opportunity to start to reshape and rebalance secure services. The way services are commissioned today fills up medium secure beds and makes it hard to expand alternative services. "We need to ensure the new Commissioning Board and GP consortia work together from day one to get better value from secure services and most importantly to achieve better outcomes for the people who use them." Mr Lansley said the government was trying to improve services as illustrated by the investment in the diversion sites. "We need to ensure that the right treatment is available. We know early intervention and prevention is essential and that more needs to be done to divert offenders with mental health problems away from prison and into community-based health treatment." source: bbcuk Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Patients spend dan#039;too long in secure mental health unitsdan#039;. |
Diskon Jasa Bengkel Resmi Daihatsu Bisa 54 Persen Lo! Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:33 PM PDT JAKARTA – Ada kabar gembira nih khusus bagi pemilik mobil Daihatsu. Dapatkan kesempatan potongan jasa servis untuk perawatan berkala. Diskonnya enggak tanggung-tanggung, sampai 54%. Selain itu ada juga diskon buat komponennya. Tapi ada ketentuan untuk mendapatkan diskonan tersebut. Kepala Bengkel Daihatsu Cibubur, Iskandar mengatakan diskon besar tersebut khusus untuk perawatan berkala 10 ribu km dan kelipatannya. Berlakunya memang untuk seluruh varian Daihatsu tapi yang produksi di atas tahun 2001, jelasnya. Nah, ada lagi ketentuan lainnya. Jasa yang dikorting itu tak berlaku untuk pengerjaan overhaul baik transmisi, mesin, maupun differensial. Termasuk juga spooring dan balancing. Intinya sih, jasa perbaikan di luar itu dapat potongan sampai 54%, tegasnya. Seperti biasanya, kalau perawatan berkala tetap dapat potongan jasa dan oli 10%. Terus yang perlu diingat lagi, layanan khusus dalam rangka ulang tahun Astra Internasional ini hanya berlaku di bengkel resmi Daihatsu AI (Astra Internasional) dan berlaku sampai dengan 15 April 2011. ( Penulis : Khalif | Teks Editor : Bagja | Foto : Khalif Source: OtomotifNet Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Diskon Jasa Bengkel Resmi Daihatsu Bisa 54 Persen Lo!. |
April, Beras Impor Dilarang Masuk Indonesia Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:28 PM PDT Jumat, 01 April 2011 09:06 WIB MAGELANG: Pemerintah telah menghentikan kebijakan impor beras pada akhir Maret 2011. Karenanya, mulai April beras impor tak lagi boleh masuk. Source: media indonesia Berita Lain:
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - April, Beras Impor Dilarang Masuk Indonesia. |
Trik Agar Posisi Seks Misionaris Tak Membosankan Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:25 PM PDT Dok. Thinkstock Jakarta – Posisi misionaris bisa jadi posisi bercinta favorit Anda dan pasangan. Namun jika posisi ini dilakukan terus-menerus, tentu bisa jadi membosankan. Berikut ini trik agar posisi tersebut tetap asyik untuk dicoba. Posisi misionaris bisa jadi posisi bercinta favorit Anda dan pasangan. Dilansir Savvymiss, posisi tersebut jadi favorit karena banyak orang menganggap itulah cara bercinta yang sebenarnya. Posisi klasik itu juga membuat Anda dan pasangan bisa terus berdekatan dan berpelukan hangat. Namun jika selama menikah, terus-menerus bercinta dengan posisi misionaris, tentu akan membosankan. Berikut ini trik agar posisi tersebut tetap asyik untuk dicoba: 1. Buat Misionaris Seperti C.A.T. “Saat melakukan teknik ini , pasangan tidak menekan Anda terlalu dalam, sehingga dia bisa lebih bergerak berirama. Dengan cara ini klitoris wanita lebih terstimulasi secara konsisten,” ujar Sex Therapist Dr. Joy Davidson. Hanya saja, tidak semua pasangan sukses mendapatkan kepuasan dengan teknik C.A.T. ini. “Terutama untuk mereka yang suka pasangannya menekan dengan dalam. Wanita yang suka dengan tekanan dekats serviksnya juga bisa tidak puas. Lebih baik cara ini dilakukan sebagai bagian dari variasi,” tambah penggagas ‘The Joy Spot’ itu. 2. Gunakan Sedikit ‘Bantuan’ “Trojan dan perusahaan kondom lainnya pasti merilis vibrator cincin. Alat ini berupa cincin plastik kecil yang ditaruh di pangkal paling bawah penis dan biasanya memiliki getaran yang kecil. Sudah banyak yang sukses dengan alat ini,” ujar Sex Therapist Ian Kerner. 3. Modifikasi Posisi Misionaris “Temukan posisi yang bisa membuat rambut kemaluan pasangan menyentuh klitoris Anda, saat pasangan menekan Anda. Anda mungkin bisa memposisikan diri di sofa atau di pinggir tempat tidur, sementara dia berdiri dan Anda berbaring,” tambah Dr. Joy Davidson. (eny/hst)
+ Arsip Berita Indonesia - Trik Agar Posisi Seks Misionaris Tak Membosankan. |
Posted: 31 Mar 2011 07:22 PM PDT State-owned Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) last year booked a net profit of Rp11.47 trillion, up 56.98 percent from the year before. The profit hike was among others fueled by a 20 percent increase in the amount of loans channeled, BRI President Director Sofyan Basir said here on Thursday. “In addition, it was also contributed by fee-based income reaching Rp5.5 trillion in 2010. The figure represents a 67 percent increase compared to Rp3.3 trillion the year before,” he said. With the performance, the bank maintained its predicate as the country`s largest bank in terms of making profit since 2005. He said the bank`s total assets rose 26.58 percent to Rp398.393 trillion as per December 31, 2010 from Rp314.746 trillion in the same period the year before. The bank`s capital adequacy ratio (CAR) increased to 13.76 percent in 2010 from 13.20 percent in 2009. Meanwhile, return on asset (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) respectively rose to 4.64 percent and 43.83 percent in 2010 from 3.73 percent and 35.22 percent in 2009. The bank also managed to keep down the gross amount of non-performing loans (NPLs) to 2.78 percent in 2010 from 3.52 percent in 2009, he said. (*) Source: the jakarta post Berita Lain:
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