PARSHAH PICKS: A Religion of Sensitivity, A Foundation of Love, and more... (Pekudei)
Adar I 26, 5771 · March 2, 2011
General Overview:

This portion, Pekudei, describes the manufacture of the vestments of the priests and high priests -- which were already described in the portion of Tetzaveh, where G‑d instructs Moses how these garments are to be assembled. The Tabernacle is erected, and G‑d's presence dwells therein.

This Week's Features Printable Parshah Magazine
Exodus 38:21-40:38
4,386 pounds of gold, plus equally impressive quantities of silver and copper... eight garments and seven days of initiation... as the book of Exodus concludes and the Divine Presence find a home

The purpose of Step Four's inventory is not only to be able to identify the character defects that we wish to have removed, but also to become aware of our assets.

By Rabbi Ben A.
We all have different levels of ability, opportunity and commitment. Every one of us has strengths and weaknesses. The foundation of the edifice, however, is built of constancy . . .

By Shlomo Yaffe
A corner of the universe that is utterly, exclusively, one's own.

By Yanki Tauber
Practical Parshah - Pekudei
Moses publically audits what all of the donations were used for in the building of the Sanctuary. To what lengths must one go to clear oneself of suspicion?

By Mendel Kaplan
These classes teach the day's section of the weekly Torah portion.

By Yehoshua B. Gordon
The Torah portion of Pekudei brings the book of Exodus to a close; why does it end on such a "mundane" note – the accounting of the contributions for the sanctuary?

By Sholom B. Lipskar
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A five minute weekly Torah insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.

By J. Immanuel Schochet
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An in depth presentation of Chassidic teachings on the weekly Parshah.

By Berel Bell
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Featured Judaica:

Beyond All Reason
This adaptation of a discourse on Purim originally presented in the classic work, Torah Or, by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, probes the deeper meaning of this mysterious day.

Price: $15.95 On Sale: $14.35

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