» PARSHAH PICKS: A Religion of Sensitivity, A Foundation of Love, and more... (Pekudei)
Adar I 26, 5771 · March 2, 2011 | General Overview:
This portion, Pekudei, describes the manufacture of the vestments of the priests and high priests -- which were already described in the portion of Tetzaveh, where G‑d instructs Moses how these garments are to be assembled. The Tabernacle is erected, and G‑d's presence dwells therein. | | |  | Featured Judaica: Beyond All Reason This adaptation of a discourse on Purim originally presented in the classic work, Torah Or, by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, probes the deeper meaning of this mysterious day. Price: $15.95 On Sale: $14.35 |
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