Moses makes an accounting of the gold, silver and copper donated by the people for the making of the Mishkan. Betzalel, Ahaliav and their assistants make the Eight Priestly Garments -- the Apron, Breastplate, Cloak, Crown, Hat, Tunic, Sash and Breeches -- according to the specifications communicated to Moses in the Parshah of Tetzaveh.
The Mishkan is completed and all its components are brought to Moses, who erects it and anoints it with the holy Anointing Oil, and initiates Aaron and his four sons into the priesthood. A cloud appears over the Mishkan, signifying the Divine Presence that has come to dwell within it.
This week's Torah reading also includes Parshat Shekalim (Exodus 30:11-16), which speaks of the half-shekel each Jew contributed to the Sanctuary.