Today is: Tuesday, Nissan 11, 5772 · April 3, 2012 • Today's 'Nasi': Asher
• Jews Circumcise upon Entering Canaan (1273 BCE)
Following the Jewish nation's crossing of the Jordan into the land of Canaan (see entry for "Nissan 10"), and in preparation for the bringing of the Passover Offering, all the men were circumcised under the guidance of Joshua. Due to the weather conditions in the desert which were not conducive for the healing of wounds, throughout the forty year desert sojourn only the Tribe of Levi circumcised their sons. Links: Brit Milah; Circumcision Joshua ch. 5 • Passing of Nachmanides (1270)
11 Nissan marks the passing of Nachmanides ("Ramban", Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman, 1194-1270) -- Torah scholar, Kabbalist, philosopher, physician and Jewish leader -- in 1270. • Passing of Sheloh (1630)
Rabbi Isaiah Halevi Horowitz was a noted kabbalist, famous as the "Sheloh Hakodosh" (the saintly Sheloh) the acronym of his magnum opus, Shnei Luchot Habrit. He held Rabbinical positions in various communities in Europe, before emigrating to Israel. He passed away in Tiberius at the age of 70. Link: Rabbi Isaiah Halevi Horowitz • Lubavitcher Rebbe Born (1902)
• Education and Sharing Day USA (1978-Current)
The beginning is embedded in the end, and the end is embedded in the beginning
- Sefer Yetzirah 1:7
Chitas and Rambam for today: |