AUDIO & VIDEO PICKS: The Man Who Broke into Auschwitz, Why Does G-d Test Us? (and more...)
Sivan 27, 5771 · June 29, 2011
This Week's Features
By Denis Avey
Featured Videos
Overcoming Challenge
How to exercise "mind over matter" in facing life's challenges. Also, the ritual hand washing is used as a model for striking balance between intellect and emotion.

By Chay Amar
Watch Watch (40:00)
My Encounter with the Rebbe
Around 1970, a young teenage girl who had inexplicably lost her voice emerged from the Rebbe's room speaking again! Now a healthy mother of eleven, she tells "the rest of the story."

The End of What?
What is it that will come to an end in the future Redemption and what will existence be like?

By Manis Friedman
Watch Watch (47:14)
A Pro-Active Response
Some practical things we can actually do to protect ourselves and our families.

By Philip Rosenthal
Watch Watch (7:36)
Featured Audio Classes
In this weeks Torah portion the Jewish people complain about Moses and G-d. G-d in turn sends a poisonous snake. The Jews, realizing their sin, come to Moses to pray on their behalf. G-d orders Moses to construct a copper snake in the center of the camp, at which all who gaze upon it would be healed.

By Moshe New
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Finding Your Spiritual Anchor amid the Din of Life
What is true leadership? Let us first examine the core values that serve as a spiritual anchor in life.

By Lazer Gurkow
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A five minute weekly Torah thought based on the teachings of Chassidut.

By Berel Bell
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The Eternal Bond
This clear, informative, and fascinating new book presents many of the customs, laws, and traditions surrounding the Jewish wedding that we observe today, with inspiring stories and explanations from Chazal and gedolim.

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