Sivan 11, 5772 · 06/01/2012 "Today's Day" Monday | Sivan 11 | 5703 | Torah lessons: | Chumash: Beha'alotecha, Sheini with Rashi. | Tehillim: 60-65. | Tanya: An illustration (p. 293)...nothing besides it. (p. 295). | | From my father's talks: "The avoda of serving G-d according to Chassidus comprises all kinds of levels... The level of "corpse" does not need much elaboration; but, thank G-d, there is also "revival of the dead" in spiritual avoda. A corpse is cold; there is nothing as frigid as natural intellect, human intellect. When one's natural intelligence comprehends a G-dly concept, and the emotions latent in intellect are enthused and moved by the pleasure-within-intellect - that is true revival of the dead.