» Raising Half a Dozen, Modesty and Borders (and more...)
| | | | Tevet 6, 5772 · January 1, 2012 | By Julie Mendelsohn | |
| | | Women and Wisdom: Lesson 1 The Jewish idea of tzniut (modesty) isn't just about the way we dress. How does maintaining appropriate personal boundaries help to preserve intimacy? By Goldie Plotkin | | | | Our 10-year-old son is a very sensitive boy. My husband is not an overly sensitive person. He has very little patience for our son's gentle nature; in fact, he calls him a wimp...
| | | | Dear Brother, You cradled death in your arms where there should have been life
By Anonymous | | | ALSO THIS WEEK ON THEJEWISHWOMAN.ORG: | | Parshat Vayechi In an age of instant messaging, instant coffee and instant soup, how long would you wait for a return on a favor before you wrote it off? Patience may be considered a virtue but for many, we are too impatient to be that virtuous...
By Esther Kosofsky | | | | Parshat Vayechi When Jacob was about to die, he called his twelve sons to his side. They gathered around him, and the twelve individuals became one unified soul . . .
By Chana Kroll | | | | The 10th of Tevet For last year's "holiday" party, I offered to contribute something kosher, seasonally appropriate, and a little bit different from what they're used to . . .
By Hana-Bashe Himelstein | | | | | | Featured Judaica: Let's Stay Safe! Let's Stay Safe helps us give our children essential life lessons in safe and unsafe behavior. Price: $11.99 $10.79 |
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