CHABAD.ORG MAGAZINE: Why Work for a Living? Daily Judgment (and more...)
This email dedicated by:
Ms. Elena Tishbi
In memory of her father
Adar I 18, 5771 · February 22, 2011
Editor's Note:

It's one of the Big Ten. And a focus of this week's Torah portion. Keep the Sabbath. Six days we work and the seventh day we rest. Shouldn't be that hard . . . right? Yet stopping is tougher than it seems. We need to work. Ideally, we also want to work. Hopefully we feel our work is fulfilling and impacts others. Yet often, the more satisfaction we get from our jobs, and the more creative they are, the harder resting from them just might be. It may be hard to believe that the world will go on if we stop.

But that is what Shabbat is all about. We are supposed to be productive. We are supposed to be creative. We are supposed to impact the world around us. For six days. But for that seventh, we are supposed to remember and recognize and acknowledge that ultimately we are not the Creator. For 25 hours, we stop actively creating and focus on what we were created for. It is Shabbat, our day of rest, which reminds us why we work in the first place.

So have a great week. Work hard. Rest peacefully!

Sara Esther Crispe,
On behalf of the Editorial Team

This Week's Features Printable Magazine
A Perspective on Labor and Livelihood
What is "work"? If life is synonymous with creativity, is Shabbat a time outside life?

By Yanki Tauber
One of the greatest paradoxes of a life of faith concerns the need to work for a living. If G-d is the source of all blessings, why work to earn a livelihood?

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
"Do you own anything of value?" asked the rebbe. "Just my two horses," replied the wagon-driver. "In that case," said the rebbe, "you'll have one for Purim, and the second for Passover."

By Tuvia Bolton
"Do you see?" the Baal Shem Tov said. "He did the same thing yesterday and made the same amount of money, yet his feelings about it were completely different . . ."

By Yerachmiel Tilles
Happiness and Healing
All of life is running towards something, reaching for something, attempting to become something. Yet there's one act in life which is about being there . . .

In the beginning, there was happiness. At the end, there will be greater happiness. Everything in between is a healing, so that happiness can last forever.

By Tzvi Freeman
Whatever the outcome, if it is different from my expectations, I am setting myself up for disappointment, resentment and bitterness.

By Rea Bochner
A unique approach for healing professionals
Illness emerges out of the soul's yearning to escape the body. The healer must convince the soul that the body has meaning . . .

A discussion with Tzvi Freeman
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My son was scared. This time, however, he was scared of me. How did he react, where did he turn for reassurance? He clung to me, his father, the object of his present fear!

By Yaakov Paley
Losing a Baby to Crib Death
I remember holding your tiny little self in my arms, looking into your deep emerald eyes. Those eyes were deep and they sparkled, before they were closed, forever.

By Anonymous
I realized that these are the same blessings and prayers our forefathers said. I stood in utter amazement. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob said these very words to the Almighty . . .

By Debra Sturdivant
Building your child's character requires focusing on the "big" issues; but it also means not neglecting the "minor pegs" grounding his or her values.

By Chana Weisberg
Insight into healing intergenerational trauma and coming to peace with issues picked up from one's family.

By Shais Taub
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Finding Courage
If I would pick up my shirt to receive a shot in my back, the nurse would definitely notice my normally concealed tzitzit. That could mean doom for my family and me . . .

As heard from Betzalel Schif
Why does Moses issue a call for the "wise of heart"? Is this not a contradiction in terms? After all, wisdom is in the mind, while emotions are in the heart!

By Shlomo Yaffe
Creative self-expression is euphoric. But in Jewish thought, the expression of one's talents is seen as something more-each soul has a unique mission as an agent of G-d.

By Rochel Holzkenner
New Possibilities
Ever heard of Flabberday? How about green pastrami? In a world where pickles are purple, anything becomes possible . . .

By Dovid Taub and Yitzchak Feigenbaum
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Jewish reflections on stem-cell research, nanotechnology, biogenetic engineering and radical life extension.

By Asher Crispe
Watch Watch (15:54)
Just Do It-Judaism
Shabbat: the island of time that defines the Jew's week. The rituals, the practices, the do's, and the don'ts of the Jewish Sabbath.

Brief user-friendly guides to the do's and don'ts of our Day of Rest.

A fun exploration of the uses of wine at Jewish rituals including Shabbat, festivals, weddings and more. L'chaim!

Watch Watch (4:25)
A Jewish wedding is a tapestry woven from many threads-biblical, historical, mystical and legal-forming a chain of Jewish continuity which goes back more than 3,800 years . . .

Question of the Week
My sister was baptized and has since married and had a child. My mother claims the child is Jewish, but how could that be?

By Zalman Nelson
Rye Oatmeal Challah . . . Steamed Ginger Fish . . . Winter Garden Salad . . . Miso Soup . . . Baked Chicken With Honey Soy-Sauce . . . Tabouleh . . . Ambrosia . . .

Featured Judaica:

Beyond All Reason
This adaptation of a discourse on Purim originally presented in the classic work, Torah Or, by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, probes the deeper meaning of this mysterious day.

Price: $15.95 On Sale: $14.35

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