» Jewish.TV Schedule for week of February 27
| | | Adar I 24, 5771 · February 28, 2011 | THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE | | The Fifth Book of the Mishnah: Kadashim (Holy Things) The "holy things" referred to in this Book of the Mishnah are the sacrifices performed in the Temple by the kohanim (priests). by Yosef Shaffer | | | | Practical Parshah - Pekudei Moses publically audits what all of the donations were used for in the building of the Sanctuary. To what lengths must one go to clear oneself of suspicion? By Mendel Kaplan | | | | An Introduction to Judaism for Non-Jews A rabbi speaks to a non-Jewish group about Judaism's message to all humankind -- the Seven Noahide Laws. By Eliezer Zalmanov | | | | Derech Mitzvosecha - Mitzvas Viduy u'Teshuvah An in-depth text-based study of a mystical discourse on the metaphysics of repentance. From the book, Derech Mitzvosecha, by the third Rebbe of Chabad, R' Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (1789-1866). By Shais Taub | | | ON DEMAND: FROM LAST WEEK'S SCHEDULE | | Derech Mitzvosecha - Mitzvas Viduy u'Teshuvah An in-depth text-based study of a mystical discourse on the metaphysics of repentance. From the book, Derech Mitzvosecha, by the third Rebbe of Chabad, R' Menachem Mendel of Lubavitch (1789-1866). By Shais Taub | | | | Words from the Creator of the Animated Series Rabbi Tzvi Freeman, creator of the animated series, KabbalaToons, presents and explains select episodes to a live audience. By Tzvi Freeman | | | | Practical Parshah - Vayakhel "Six days shall you work." How does one actually rest on Shabbat? By Mendel Kaplan | | | | The Fourth Book of the Mishnah: Nezikin (Damages) Civil litigation, criminal codes, business regulations, and real es�tate law are all treated in this Book of the Mishnah. by Yosef Shaffer | | | | | | Featured Judaica: Beyond All Reason This adaptation of a discourse on Purim originally presented in the classic work, Torah Or, by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the Alter Rebbe, probes the deeper meaning of this mysterious day. Price: $15.95 On Sale: $14.35 |
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