TODAY IN JUDAISM: Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Today is: Wednesday, Adar II 24, 5771 · March 30, 2011

Today in Jewish History

Blood Libel Declared False (1817)

On Adar 24, Czar Alexander I of Russia declared the Blood Libel -- the infamous accusation that Jews murdered Christian children to use their blood in the baking of matzah for Passover, for which thousands of Jews were massacred through the centuries -- to be false. Nevertheless, nearly a hundred years later the accusation was officially leveled against Mendel Beilis in Kiev.

Link: a brief history of the blood libel; the Beilis affair

Daily Quote

"I am a stranger and a resident amongst you" (Abraham to Ephron the Hittite, Genesis 23:4). The Jew is a "resident" in the world, for the Torah instructs us not escape the physical reality but to inhabit it and elevate it. At the same time, the Jew feels himself a "stranger" in the material world -- his true home is the world of spirituality, holiness and G-dliness from which his soul has been exiled and to which it yearns to return. Indeed, it is only because we remain stranger" that we can maintain the spiritual vision and integrity required to reside in the world and sanctify it as a "dwelling for G-d."

- The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Daily Study

Chitas and Rambam for today:

Chumash: Tazria, 4th Portion Leviticus 13:24-13:28 with Rashi
English / Hebrew Linear Translation

Tehillim: Chapters 113 - 118
Hebrew text
English text

Tanya: Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 38
English Text: Lessons in Tanya
Hebrew Text
• Audio Class: Listen | Download | Live Class

• Sefer Hamitzvos:
English Text | Hebrew Text | Audio: Listen | Download
• 1 Chapter: Tum'at Okhalin Chap. 10
English Text | Hebrew Text | Audio: Listen | Download
• 3 Chapters: Introduction Part 1, Introduction Part 2, Introduction Part 3
English Text | Hebrew Text | Audio: Listen | Download

Hayom Yom:
English Text
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Featured Judaica:

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