DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tammuz 6, 5772 · June 26, 2012
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides' classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"

Positive Commandment 93
The Procedure for the Conclusion of a Nazirite Term

"When the days of his nazirite vow are fulfilled..."—Numbers 6:13.

When a nazirite concludes his term, he must follow the procedure outlined in the Torah, which includes shaving his head and bringing specified sacrifices.

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Positive Commandment 114
Donating the Value of a Person

"If a man makes a vow, [pledging] the value of lives"—Leviticus 27:2.

If a person pledges to give the value of a particular person to G‑d, he must follow the law prescribed in the Torah. The amount owed depends on the age and gender of the person whose value was pledged, and also on the financial means of the person who made the pledge.

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Want even more? These mitzvot are discussed at length in today's three-chapter Maimonides study regimen.
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