The Sanctity of Human Life
Tammuz 8, 5772 · June 28, 2012
This Week's Features
Aaron L. Raskin
When does a person grapple with closing his business on Shabbat? When he believes that he is the one who makes himself successful. When Friday night comes around, no matter how large a business deal one is involved in, a Jew must recognize that violating the Shabbat cannot bring G-d's blessing…

Historic Roots and Current Directions in Bioethics
Leveling a critique at widely accepted principles of medical ethics, Professor Glick argues that medical ethics cannot be based only on biology or philosophy but on the "sanctity of human life." (A Professor David Sevel Memorial Lecture)

By Shimon Glick
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A Taste of Text—Chukat
While devoting yourself to helping others, safeguard time for your own spiritual and emotional growth. Focus energy inward as well as outward.

By Chana Weisberg
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How to Study Torah - Chukat
One of the most infamous events in the Bible is Moses' striking the rock to bring forth water. Why did Moses do what he did? Was it a mistake or was there a reason? How can this seemingly rebellious act be understood within the context of Moses' perfect obedience to G-d?

By Mendel Kaplan
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Where Are Sarah and Avi?
Mitzvah Boat is ready for a mitzvah adventure, but he can't find Sarah and Avi. Can you help him find them?

By Dovid Taub
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Appreciating the Rebbe's Perspective on Life and Torah
Author Chaim Miller, creator of the Gutnick Edition Chumash and other scholarly works, discusses some of the key teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Recorded in Melbourne, Australia at a gathering in honor of the 18th yahrtzeit of the Rebbe, of righteous memory.

By Chaim Miller
Watch Watch (33:29)
How Many Make a Quorum?
A quorum for prayer (a minyan) is ten. What is the source for the idea that the group recitation of Grace After Meals requires only three people? The Talmud examines the Scriptural verse (Psalms 34:4) which says: Declare the greatness of the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together."

By Mendel Kaplan
Watch Watch (52:17)
Please join us as we study the "Epistle of Return," the chassidic roadmap to repentance.

By Yehoshua B. Gordon
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