LESSONS IN TANYA: Shabbat, June 30, 2012

Tammuz 10, 5772 · June 30, 2012
Today's Tanya Lesson
Igeret HaTeshuva , beginning of Chapter 3

Though fasting is not at all necessary for attaining atonement, it was explained above that nevertheless it has a salutary effect as a substitute for the olah offering. In Temple times this sacrifice was offered (even) for transgressing a positive command, in order to make the former offender once again acceptable and beloved of G‑d. Accordingly, the AriZal derived from the Kabbalah the number of fasts to be undertaken for numerous transgressions, even those that are not subject to the punishment of excision or death by Divine decree.

והנה חכמי המוסר האחרונים נחלקו במי שחטא חטא אחד פעמים רבות

The latter Mussar sages — those who lived after the Ari — were divided in their opinions about one who repeated a sin many times.

דיש אומרים שצריך להתענות מספר הצומות לאותו חטא פעמים רבות, כפי המספר אשר חטא

Some contend that he must fast the number of fasts appropriate to that sin according to the number of transgressions.

כגון המוציא זרע לבטלה, שמספר הצומות המפורש בתיקוני תשובה מהאריז״ל הן פ״ד תעניות

For example, the number of fasts prescribed in the penances of the AriZal for wasteful emission of semen is eighty-four.

ואם חטא בזה עשר או עשרים פעמים, על דרך משל, צריך להתענות עשר או עשרים פעמים פ״ד

If someone commits this sin ten or twenty times, say, he must fast ten or twenty times eighty-four, and so on in all instances.

דומיא דקרבן חטאת, שחייב להביא על כל פעם ופעם

This is comparable to the chatat offering (Note of the Rebbe: "i.e., all the chatat offerings") required for every instance of violation.

ויש מדמין ענין זה לקרבן עולה, הבאה על מצות עשה

Others compare these fasts to the olah offering brought for neglect of a positive command.1

דאפילו עבר על כמה מצוות עשה, מתכפר בעולה אחת, כדאיתא בגמרא, פרק קמא דזבחים

The violation of a number of positive commands is atoned for and the individual finds favor in G‑d's eyes by one olah, as the Talmud explains in Tractate Zevachim, ch. 1.2

והכרעה המקובלת בזה להתענות ג׳ פעמים כפי מספר הצומות דחטא זה, דהיינו רנ״ב צומות על הוצאות שכבת זרע לבטלה, וכן בשאר חטאים ועונות

The accepted decision in this dispute is to undertake three times the number of fasts prescribed for that particular sin, i.e., 252 fasts (three times eighty-four) for wasteful emission, and similarly for other sins oft repeated.

והטעם הוא על פי מה שכתוב בזוהר הקדוש, סוף פרשת נח: כיון דחב בר נש קמיה קודשא בריך הוא, זמנא חדא עביד רשימו כו׳

This is based on a teaching in the Zohar, at the end of Parshat Noach:3 "As soon as mortal man sins once against the Holy One, blessed be He, he makes an impression [Above; should he sin a second time, the impact of his sin is even greater];

זמנא תליתאה, אתפשט ההוא כתמא מסטרא דא לסטרא דא כו׳

the third time he commits the sin, the stain penetrates from one side through the other;..."

לכן צריך מספר הצומות גם כן ג׳ פעמים וכו׳

therefore the number of fasts ought also be three.

1. Note of the Rebbe: "As distinct from other olah offerings; see the various types of offerings in Maimonides' preface to his Commentary on the Mishnayot of Tractate Kodashim."
2. 5b, 6a, 7b.
3. 73b.

By Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), founder of Chabad Chassidism (Free Translation)    More articles...  |   RSS Listing of Newest Articles by this Author
Elucidated by Rabbi Yosef Wineberg. Translated from Yiddish by Rabbi Levy Wineberg and Rabbi Sholom B. Wineberg. Edited by Uri Kaploun.
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