Wednesday | 5 Adar I | 5703 | Torah lessons: | Chumash: T'ruma, Revi'i with Rashi. | Tehillim: 29-34. | Tanya: For there are (p. 117)...forth on high. (p. 119). | |
There is not the vaguest shadow of doubt that, wherever our feet tread, it is all in order to cleanse and purify the world with words of Torah and tefilla (prayer). We, all of Israel, are emissaries of G-d, each of us as Divine Providence has decreed for us. None of us is free from this sacred task placed on our shoulders.
Friday | Adar Sheini 5 | 5703 | Torah lessons: | Chumash: P'kudei, Shishi with Rashi. | Tehillim: 29-34. | Tanya: To quote, by (p. 157)...quotation ends here. (p. 157). | |
Studying Talmud and related works, studying Chassidus, and actual avoda, are all imperative. Not only can there be no thought of one superseding or being superseded by the other, on the contrary, their relationship is symbiotic, mutually enriching: An ignorant person cannot be a chassid,1 so the study of Talmud and halacha is an absolute necessity. Who is a chassid? He who conducts himself with piety toward his Creator,2 so there must be the study of Chassidus, and the ultimate purpose of all study is, after all, actual avoda.