» Jewish.TV Schedule for week of May 30
Iyar 26, 5771 · May 30, 2011 | THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE | | Becoming One with Your Spouse Attachment Theory provides insights into different "attachment styles" of individuals and how couples can create and sustain closeness and intimacy. By Daniel Schonbuch | | | | Practical Parshah - Naso The kohanim are commanded to bless the people. What is the meaning of a blessing given by one human being to another? By Mendel Kaplan | | | | This in-depth study of the weekly Torah portion presents an introduction to the classic commentaries on the Torah and provides an appreciation for its deeper meaning and relevance. By Moshe New | | | | Derech Mitzvosecha - Mitzvas Viduy u'Teshuvah | | | ALSO LIVE EVERY DAY THIS WEEK: | | Daily Parshah and Tanya Class This daily class, streamed live from Encino, California, studies the day's section of the weekly Torah portion. The class is followed by the study of a brief section of Tanya, the foundational text of Chassidic philosophy. | | | | | | | |