Being Adults in Our Parents' Eyes, Shavuot Recipes (and more...)
Iyar 26, 5771 · May 30, 2011
This Week's Features Printable Magazine
When upside-down is right side up
I would recall the bare beauty of the tree, and wonder again why G-d had left the tree upside-down. What could an inverted tree possibly contribute to the world?

By Rhona Lewis
The birth of our son
Exhausted and breathless, I couldn't sing anymore. But I didn't have to; the first cry of the baby as he emerged into the world was a beautiful song in itself...

By Elana Mizrahi
Counting the Omer
How can I expect to be forgiven if I have not extended the same grace to others, if I have not demonstrated with my daily behavior that we can treasure our relationships despite their imperfections?

By Tzippora Price
Shavuot is traditionally celebrated through eating dairy foods. So get ready for some guilt-free cheesecake eating as we observe the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people!

Sefirat Ha'omer, Part VII
It's in the place we resist that we touch our purpose. Right there, in the "lowest" dimension of the soul, we gain access to its highest point. More importantly, it's through this "lowest" of soul powers that we get done what we're here to do in the first place. Jews do not eschew the mundane. We celebrate matter and even - or rather particularly - the lowest dimensions of who we are.

By Shimona Tzukernik
Pirkei Avot
A poetic paraphrase of Pirkei Avot based on the explanations of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

By Esther Cameron
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