April 18-22, 2011 Experts Weekly | | | Monday, Apr 18 | Forget Social Media ROI Five other social media metrics that matter. Heidi Cohen | Actionable Analysis | Full story | Print version 5 Behavioral Insights You Can Learn From Search Funnels Learn how to find search funnels in Google AdWords to better understand your target audience and their online behavior. Ron Jones | Search Marketing | Full story | Print version Creating Effective - and Profitable - Birthday Emails Learn from NHL and create a personalized email that will really engage the birthday girl. Part one in a three-part series. Jeanne Jennings | Email Marketing | Full story | Print version Insights on Gleaning Insights A marketing department that understands and optimizes processes and data utilization can significantly outperform one that does not. Stephanie Miller | Marketing Automation | Full story | Print version Are Advertising Networks Supporting Piracy? Networks that allow advertising on "torrent" and "warez" sites facilitate intellectual piracy. Pace Lattin | Trends | Full story | Print version | RSS | App | | | Tuesday, Apr 19 | In Email Marketing, First Impressions Matter More Than You Know Email marketers need to reinvest in the front end of the customer lifecycle and focus on setting the tone for the ongoing email relationship. Ryan Deutsch | Advanced Email Marketing | Full story | Print version The Girl Scout Hispanic Marketing Playbook: 'Be Prepared' It takes more than language and technology to engage Hispanics. Giovanni Rodriguez | Marketing to Latinos | Full story | Print version Calculating the Value of a Review Shared on Facebook Three steps for increasing the number of "shares" to Facebook. Cathy Halligan | Social Commerce | Full story | Print version | | | Wednesday, Apr 20 | SEO Projection Modeling Start with a simple projection model, refine it, add upper and lower bounds, and incorporate feedback. Marios Alexandrou | SEO | Full story | Print version Co-Dependency Much? Are we too dependent on Google and Facebook? Here are some tips to move forward with good digital marketing opportunities while protecting your long-term options. Robin Neifield | Strategies | Full story | Print version 5 Steps to Cook the 'Bacn' When you start sending spam's legitimate cousin, bacon emails, you're out of the fire and into the frying pan. Mike Hotz | B2B Email Marketing | Full story | Print version QR Codes Gaining Momentum As New Engagement Channel The question is not whether QR codes are a viable marketing option, but how can sophisticated marketers use QR codes to enhance targeting programs? Andrea Fishman | Behavioral Marketing | Full story | Print version | | | Thursday, Apr 21 | Why Is the Television Business Determined to Destroy Itself? Apps could save the traditional television business, but only if the industry gets out of its own way. Andrew Solmssen | App Economy | Full story | Print version Hispanic + Social = $$ Brands need to embrace social media to build community and engagement with the U.S. Hispanic population. Michael Della Penna | Community Management | Full story | Print version 8 Questions About the State of Email Marketing For all those worried about email in the days of Twitter and Facebook, learn some truths here. Simms Jenkins | Email Marketing Best Practices | Full story | Print version Placing First in Location Targeting Without a geographic targeting strategy, creative investments can go to waste. Tessa Wegert | Media Buying | Full story | Print version | | | Friday, Apr 22 | Privacy or Convenience: Who Wins? Have you already given up some of your privacy for the sake of convenience? Will you continue to? Bryan Eisenberg | ROI Marketing | Full story | Print version 7 Tips to Filter Out Lame Searches A look at some categories of meta messages that might be to your ad strategy. Andrew Goodman | Paid Search | Full story | Print version Ideas Are Not Enough Is Omnicom's announcement of partnering with Microsoft, Yahoo, and AOL to get data about users a hint of how agencies are transforming? Gary Stein | What's the Buzz? | Full story | Print version Email vs. SMS In the end, customers want three things: entertainment, information, or a good deal. Melinda Krueger | Mobile Marketing | Full story | Print version | | | | | Webcasts | | Upcoming Events | | White Papers | - TBA
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