Omer Reminder & Meditation: Wednesday night, April 27, 2011
Nissan 23, 5771 · April 27, 2011
9th Day of the Omer

Tonight, Wednesday night, April 27, 2011, we count nine days, which is one week and two days of the Omer.

For detailed instructions on how to count the Omer, blessing text, omer calendar, and more information, please click here.


A Spiritual Guide to the Counting of the Omer
Forty-Nine Steps to Personal Refinement

Day Two of Week 2: Gevurah of Gevurah

Examine the discipline factor of discipline. Is my discipline disciplined or is it excessive. Do I have enough discipline in my life and in my interactions? Am I organized? Is my time used efficiently? Why do I have problems with discipline and what can I do to enhance it? Do I take time each day for personal accounting of my schedule and accomplishments? Does my discipline include the other six aspects (see here for more on these traits), without which discipline cannot be effective and healthy?

Exercise for the day: Make a detailed plan for spending your day and at the end of the day see if you've lived up to it.

By Simon Jacobson    More articles...  |   RSS Listing of Newest Articles by this Author
From A Spiritual Guide to the Omer by Simon Jacobson
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