Lech Lecha: Focus on Circumcision |
| If He doesn't want us eating pork, why did He make it edible? If he wants men circumcised, why aren't they born that way?
By Tzvi Freeman |  |
| Kabbalistic insights for a sharp new perspective on the brit—the fundamental observance seemingly shrouded in mystery. By Mendel Kaplan |  |
| Understand the radically different modes of relating to G‑d that Abraham's two sons represent.
Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe |  |
| The reasons, the significance and the reward.
By Aryeh Citron |  |
| Abraham begins his journey, Sarah is abducted, Lot relocates to Sodom, the Promised Land is promised, the "Covenant Between the Parts" is formed, Abraham is circumcised . . .
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Stories of Love |
| Sara held on to the hope that she would leave that office with those few pieces of paper that would mean a new life for her and her family.
By Alan Magill |  |
| "Because you helped Reb Shmelke, whomever you will bless during the next twenty-four hours will be blessed . . ."
By Yerachmiel Tilles |  |
Another Perspective |
| We wonder how to create unity and cohesion out of chaos and diversity.
By Tuvia Teldon |  |
| It was dark, cold and icy, the synagogue was without heat or lights, yet nothing could stop these Jews from praying to their G‑d.
By Lazer Gurkow |  |
| They couldn't believe I was their instructor. "Are you kidding me?" "She looks like she's sixteen!"
By Sara Esther Crispe |  |
Digging Deeper |
| When G‑d tells us to leave our laurels of yesterday's accomplishment and take on the new, He is really telling us to be alive today.
By Shimon Posner |  |
| The Midrash considers Sarah's abduction and liberation a precedent for the Israelites' future sojourn in Egypt.
Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe |  |
| When every last Jew was home on his own land, the entire community of Israel began to pray for rain.
Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe |  |
| "That's not true," she insisted. "The world can continue with or without me, it wouldn't make any difference. It doesn't need me for anything."
By Rochel Pritsker |  |
Short Videos to Inspire and Inform |
| Do you stick to what's written in the contract, or do you go "beyond the letter of the law"? By Alan Veingrad |  |
| A little guy drinking coffee in a soul-crushingly boring little diner where the prevalent philosophy is that the lights are "just on" . . . By Dovid Taub |  |
| Israel, it seems, is always in the news. Why? What is so unique about the Jewish homeland that draws worldwide interest? with Benny Rapoport |  |
From our Favorite Speakers |
| Discover how, when and if to speak up for what's right, when those acting improperly are your own family members. By Mendel Kaplan |  |
| Firsthand accounts of how the Rebbe's teachings have influenced the world's most powerful men and women. By Levi Shemtov |  |
Inspired by the Rebbe |
| What was with the picture of the Rebbe? Who was he?
By Mindy Rubenstein |  |
| More often than not, our physical selves get all the attention while our spiritual side is neglected.
By Yossy Goldman |  |
Mitzvah Minute |
| When parents name a child, they experience a minor prophecy—because, somehow, that child's destiny is wrapped up in the name's combination of Hebrew letters . . .
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In the News |
| The writings of Rabbi Meir Chaim Chaikin, who endured Soviet persecution for his clandestine efforts to strengthen Judaism, have for the first time been published.
By Dovid Zaklikowski |  |
| Jews from three countries gathered at a printing house in Germany, celebrating the first Hebrew/German edition of the Tanya.
By Joshua Runyan |  |