JEWISH LIVING: Summertime Solidarity, My Brother, the Israeli Soldier (and more...)
Menachem Av 29, 5771 · August 29, 2011
This Week's Features
By Linda Tucker
Full of conviction and confidence, he replied, "Once you are here in the land of Israel, you automatically become attached to it. You want nothing more than to defend it" . . .

By Esther Mishulovin
Two Elul Parables
A wealthy merchant bought a wonderful candelabra for his home. It was a masterpiece, made of pure crystal and studded with precious stones. It cost a real fortune...

By Nissan Mindel
The Month of Elul
The Month of Elul
The collective vessel of the people of Israel is an organism unto itself that has its own life path and journey from birth to maturity...

By Sarah Schneider
Practical Tips
When Rosh Hashanah approaches, our inner critic tends to get louder. "What did you actually do this year? Was it a productive year? Was it a complete waste?"

By Rivka Slatkin
Pictures with a Purpose
Brooklyn, NY
Like man, the moment of dawn exists on the threshold between darkness and light. What does this teach us?

By Michoel Ogince
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Chassidic Insights into the Festivals of the Month of Tishrei. By Rabbi Eli Friedman

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