Thursday | Elul 2 | 5703 | Torah lessons: | Chumash: Shoftim, Chamishi with Rashi. | Tehillim: 10-17. Also 4-6. | Tanya: Now the essence (p. 443) ...states Scripture. (p. 445). | |
The Children of Israel are called eretz cheifetz,1 for they possess numerous "precious articles"2 in the love and fear of G-d, and in fine character traits. Bringing these traits to the surface depends entirely upon the individual stimulating them. It is clear that throughout the earth are wellsprings of living water; the difference between them is only that some are near the surface, others far. Everything therefore depends on the well-digger, his patience and perseverance.
Now since ratzon ("will") is a superior faculty that "issues decrees," rules over all the other faculties,* and compels them to act according to its orders - it follows that the essential avoda is to arouse one's will to exercise its effect - both upon the person himself and upon others.