We've been trying to reach you; only a few hours left.


Dear Friend of Chabad.org,

Shavua tov! - A blessed week to you and all yours!

As you know, there are now quite literally only hours left for your 2011 donation tax-deduction, and we're really counting on your participation, so we're reaching out one last time in this tax year:

Please can you partner with us to help millions of people across the globe?

For a little snapshot of Chabad.org's reach, check out this little report about our Chanukah viewership.

You can make a final year-end tax deductible contribution securely online via:

Or mail a check to:

Chabad.org c/o
Chabad Lubavitch Media Center
784 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213

We hope you will continue to enjoy the Chabad.org content and subscriptions all year 'round -- and we ask you to please keep your comments and suggestions coming! Also: Stay tuned for the all-new Chabad.org; it's really just around the corner.

Thank you immensely for your partnership and may G-d bless you that the light of the recently completed Chanukah holiday illuminates your life and the lives of all those around you forever!Donate Today!



P.S. -- If you've already contributed this year, please accept our sincere apologies for sending you this additional appeal.

Perhaps you contributed using a different email address -- please reply to let us know so we can connect the two!

Or perhaps you sent a check and we have not yet received it but will soon, please G-d.

Thank you in particular for your patience and understanding about the multiple emails we've sent. It often takes multiple attempts nowadays before most people actually take notice - and thus help ensure the financial stability of the Jewish People's #1 educational tool.

Conversely, if you are unable to contribute, we fully understand. These solicitations are purely elective for those able to help. Please do not hesitate to use our services!




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