QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Why Do We Struggle to Survive?
Why Do We Struggle to Survive?
Elul 2, 5771 · September 1, 2011

Photo: Jean Carneiro


If G‑d cares so much about the human race, why do we struggle like so hard just in order to survive?

Life shouldn't be so difficult!


You are grappling with issues that the greatest human minds over thousands of years of history have grappled with.

Indeed, many struggle mightily in life. Life brings all manner of challenges. Things happen, circumstances change. We think we know how things will be, but then we are given a totally unexpected situation. There is much in life we can't control. And, much as we'd like to insist on knowing why, we will never have an answer to that. Only G‑d knows. No one else can speak for Him.


We want our questions answered: Why is there evil in the world? Why do good men and women suffer? Why do children die of hunger or disease? Why are there earthquakes and tsunamis and tornadoes that destroy human lives?


Could anyone really venture an answer? And would that someone then be equivalent to G‑d? And were we to be given answers to satisfy the human mind, would we then judge G‑d, be on par with Him?

I wish I had answers.

But if I did, what would be the nature of faith?

Faith is a most basic component of human living, of our psyche, of our ability to cope with all that happens around us. And could there be a concept of faith if we had hard evidence of G‑d's dominion in our life?

What We Control

We don't have control over circumstances in our life, but we do have full control over our response to any given circumstance. G‑d gave us the free will to control our own actions and responses.

How to respond to life's difficulties? Well now, that's a question any one of us can, indeed, answer.

How Do You Get Faith? from our selection on the Jewish take on Faith.

Bronya Shaffer
for The Judaism Website -

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Mrs. Bronya Shaffer is a noted globetrotting lecturer on Jewish women's issues, and serves as a personal counselor and mentor for women, couples and adolescents. Mrs. Shaffer, a responder for's Ask the Rabbi service, lives with her ten children in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
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