PARSHAH PICKS: Do I Need to Be Perfect in Order to Repent? and more... (Shoftim)
Elul 2, 5771 · September 1, 2011
General Overview:

This week's reading, Shoftim, addresses fundamental issues pertaining to the leadership of the Jewish people. It begins with a discussion regarding judges, and later discusses the concept of the kings, prophets, and the kohanim (priests). Many commandments are introduced in this weeks reading, including: appointing judges, the obligation to follow Rabbinic Law and the words of the prophets, the obligations of a king, the punishment for perjury, laws of war, and the procedure for dealing with unsolved murders.

This Week's Features Printable Parshah Magazine
By Baruch Epstein
Deuteronomy 16:18–21:9
"Justice"—the very concept is said to be a Jewish contribution to the world. A glance at this week's Parshah (equality before the law, due process, protection of criminals from vigilante vengeance, curbs on the behavior of kings, rules and ethics in warfare . . . ) shows why.

He was standing at the entrance of the strip mall, his front and back covered by identical, cumbersome cardboard signs. He was still there a few hours later when I returned from the synagogue . . .

By Naftali Silberberg
Just because you decided against leaving your footprints in the sands of time, that's no excuse for knocking other people off their feet.

By Levi Avtzon
One of the most fascinating clauses in the Torah's criminal justice system is the law of the "indefensible criminal." If the evidence against the accused is so compelling that not a single one of the 23-member tribunal is inclined to argue in his favor, he cannot be convicted!

By Yanki Tauber
Letters and Numbers of Torah - Shoftim
The verse (Deut 17:14) "When you settle in the land... and you say, 'Let us appoint a king...'" is the basis for the mitzvah for the Jewish people to appoint a monarch. Why is the Hebrew word for "when you settle" (v'yashavta) conspicuously missing a letter "hei" at the end?

Aaron L. Raskin
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Shoftim Parshah Report
G-fish tries to cheat at board games by pretending to be a prophet (double gulp!)

Dovid Taub & Jonathan Goorvich
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In this week's Torah portion we are commanded to use witnesses to establish the law. There are two types of witnesses; ones that observe and later clarify an event, and ones that are integral to actually establishing and creating the event.

By Moshe New
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A five minute weekly Torah insight based on the wellsprings of Torah and Chassidut.

By J. Immanuel Schochet
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The Kabbalistic approach to the weekly Torah reading

By Mendel Kaplan
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