CHABAD.ORG MAGAZINE: Rosh Hashanah Minisite, Rosh Hashanah in a Nutshell (and more...)
This email dedicated by:
Ms. Laura Feinberg
In memory of Gloria Feinberg
Elul 28, 5771 · September 27, 2011
Editor's Note:

Festivity and finery. Anticipation and apprehension. Expectation and trepidation.

One nation, millions of members, thousands of communities—a shared experience.

Festive meals. Apples and honey. Round challah bread. Fish heads. Pomegranate seeds.

Synagogues packed with worshipers. Heartfelt prayers to G‑d, King of the Universe. What will be decreed for the coming year?

Clearing the slate—acknowledging and regretting past misdeeds, resolving to fulfill His will in the future—laying the groundwork for a good year.

Symbolic tossing of sins to the fish. Blowing the ram's horn shofar—the piercing, urgent cry beseeching our souls to reflect, repent, resolve.

Family togetherness and traditional melodies. Community and unity. Celebration.

This year, allow yourself the full Rosh Hashanah experience—the joy, ritual and awe. Join millions of your Jewish brethren across the globe, as we pray for a year of peace and tranquility, healing and success, blessing and prosperity for ourselves, our families, our communities and our nation.

Shana Tovah.

Miriam Szokovski,
on behalf of the Editorial Team

P.S. Please use our High Holiday services directory to find an inviting Rosh Hashanah service near you.

This Week's Features Printable Magazine
Essential Rosh Hashanah Toolkit
The anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, a day of judgment and coronation, the sounding of the shofar . . .

A practical holiday calendar that will lead you day by day through the holiday's mitzvahs, rituals and customs.

The lowdown on the holiday foods, observances, and the traditional Tashlich ceremony.

Shofar basics: When do we blow? Why a shofar? Who needs to hear the blasts of the ram's horn? And much more . . .

Rosh Hashanah Insights
Why is everything determined on an annual basis? Can't an eternal and infinite G‑d plan a little further in advance?

By Naftali Silberberg
His judgment may be uncomfortably honest, but at least it will be true.

By Yaakov Paley
It was precisely the inconceivably audacious nature of Hannah's prayer that placed it at the center of the Jewish definition of prayer.

By Mendel Kalmenson
On the Rosh Hashanah Torah Readings
Remembrance and laughter, banishment and benevolence, seven sheep and a well, the ultimate sacrifice and the origin of Jerusalem.

Chana's revolutionary prayer, and G‑d's proclamation of his love for the Jewish nation, promising the ultimate reward.

The entire world may be ripping apart at the seams, but the beseecher's heart and mouth are at peace as one.

By Tzvi Freeman
Every nation and cause has its martyrs. Is there anything truly unique about Abraham's deed?

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Did You Ever Wonder?
The Tashlich ritual has is origins in the very birth of Judaism . . .

By Eliyahu Kitov
How the simple sound of the ram's horn on Rosh Hashanah represents a Jew's heartfelt cry to G‑d.

By Shlomo Yaffe
Watch Watch (48:51)
There are different customs as to how many times the shofar is blown on Rosh Hashanah.

By Eliezer Posner
Kids' Videos
A Rosh Hashanah message from Itche Kadoozy.

Dovid Taub & Jonathan Goorvich
Watch Watch (2:10)
Join Bubby and bake the traditional round raisin challah, and make tzimmes, the holiday's special sweet carrot dish.

Watch Watch (5:06)
Stories for the New Year
Just as I am compelled to stay close to my crying baby, G‑d must feel our hurt when we endure suffering.

By Miriam Duskis
"Thieves!" shouted the Accuser. "They stole all my Jewish sins that I worked so hard to amass . . ."

By Yerachmiel Tilles
Sudddenly the robber stepped up close to him and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

by Shalvi Weissman
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