AUDIO & VIDEO PICKS: Bearing Witness to G-d, The Rebbe's Revolution (and more...)
Elul 2, 5771 · September 1, 2011
This Week's Features
By Moshe New
Featured Videos
What the Rebbe Saw In Each Jew
Rabbi and author Benjamin Blech shares personal stories of his relationship with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, and speaks about what he believes was the main component of the Rebbe's influence -- the ability to see the fullest potential of each Jew.

By Benjamin Blech
Watchnbsp;Watch (20:57)
The Messiah and King David
An in-depth analysis of a puzzling Talmudic passage which foretells that Moshiach will be a king and that his ancestor David will be his viceroy.

Watch Watch (37:58)
Recommended Products and Services
Mr. Rosenthal discusses some specific products and services that he recommends for families.

By Philip Rosenthal
Watch Watch (5:53)
Impudence in Jewish Law
Jewish legal opinions on the issue of one who behaves in a way that is impudent without actually breaking any specific law.

By Eli Brackman
Watch Watch (38:19)
Practical Parshah - Shoftim
The Torah gives the Sages the power to enact new laws and observances. We look at the "rabbinical holidays" of Chanukah and Purim.

By Mendel Kaplan
Watch Watch (1:19:58)
Featued Audio Classes
Get a detailed overview of the weekly Torah portion sewn together with keen insights and timely life messages.

By Baruch Epstein
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A Jewish Perspective on Addiction and Recovery
A general introduction to the spiritual nature of the problem of addiction and its treatment.

By Shais Taub
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By Yerachmiel Galinsky
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Featured Judaica:

Days of Awe, Days of Joy
Chassidic Insights into the Festivals of the Month of Tishrei. By Rabbi Eli Friedman

Price: $24.95 SALE: $22.45

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