Rosh Hashanah Edition: Crowning G-d as King
Elul 26, 5772 · September 13, 2012
This Week's Features
By Moshe New
Parshat Nitzavim
How can we truly unite with another? Only by realizing that every person has a quality that is unique that only he or she can contribute.

By Chana Weisberg
Watch Watch (21:16)
The Shape of the Shofar
The meaning and symbolism behind the shape of the ram's horn sounded on Rosh Hashanah.

By Moishe Denburg
Watch Watch (2:02)
Analyzing the structure of the Rosh Hashanah Musaf
A basic overview of the scriptural and Talmudic sources for the three-part structure of the Rosh Hashanah Musaf prayer, plus its deeper meaning as embodied by two chassidic parables.

By Yisroel Altein
Watch Watch (27:18)
Stick Figure Vignette: Parshat Nitzavim
A group of warriors prepare for an epic quest to the end of the ocean.

By Dovid Taub
Watch Watch (1:39)
Election 2012: Lesson 4
Who is responsible to pay for health care? Is health insurance a personal obligation or a community responsibility?

By Nochum Mangel
Watch Watch (45:00)
The High Holidays: Lesson 1
Rosh Hashanah as the yearly coronation of G-d as king. First in a 3-part series about the High Holidays.

By Yehuda Leib Schapiro
Watch Watch (26:27)
A Rosh Hashanah Message from Itche Kadoozy
Just a regular, run-of-the-mill Itche Kadoozy video about the meaning of Rosh Hashannah. Except with lot's of bee jokes. Don't worry, we made the video and it still doesn't quite make sense to us.

Dovid Taub & Jonathan Goorvich
Watch Watch (2:10)
When remains of missing people are never recovered
Law professor and rabbi Michael J. Broyde addresses the legal problem of determining the status of people who went missing in the 9/11 terrorist attacks and whose remains were never recovered. In particular, Broyde examines the Talmudic approach to the question of whether or not the spouses of such people are free to remarry.

By Michael J. Broyde
Watch Watch (39:14)
Animated Comic Strip
Joey and his pals find themselves stranded underwater just as Rosh Hashanah is about to begin!

Watch Watch (2:15)
Round Raisin Challah and Tzimmes
Join Bubby and bake the traditional High Holidays round raisin challah, and make tzimmes, the holiday's special sweet carrot dish.

Watch Watch (5:06)
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