In preparation for Yom Kippur...

By the Grace of G-d

Dear Friend of,

As we prepare for the holiest day of the year (Sept. 25-26), please consider this crucially important request:

As we look out at the year ahead, threats of war and much worse (G-d forbid!) loom, particularly in Israel. Economic insecurity and other challenges threaten us inside our homes.

If ever there was a time that demanded spiritual tools and inspiration, that time is now!

As stewards of the Jewish People's premiere online spiritual resource, we take our responsibilities at very seriously. In the coming year, millions will once again turn to for essential information and services in seven languages.Please Donate Now

We must be there for them!

However, to do so properly, to truly meet their needs, we need your partnership. We cannot do it without you!

To prepare for the immense responsibilities of this coming year we've set a High Holiday Appeal goal to enlist 5,400 generous partners like yourself. During this past week close to 1,500 have stepped up to the plate.

As someone who possibly derives demonstrable benefit from our team's labor of love, or otherwise appreciates the effort and goals of our work, we turn to you:

Please become our partner!

Please contribute generously at:

(You can donate by credit card, Paypal, Google Checkout or check.)

Your $1,800, $180, $36, $18, or even $5 will ensure that our lifesaving work continues.

We pray that G-d inscribes and seals you and all yours in the Book of Life, granting you a good and sweet year in all matters, both material and spiritual, personal and communal.

And we pray that it be a year of immense blessing for the entire world, peace in our homes, peace in Israel, and peace across the globe! (Indeed, our Sages tell us that charity has the power to change the course of all of these!)

We look forward to serving you in the coming year, happily and healthily.Please Donate Now

On behalf of the Team,

With deep gratitude and blessing,

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin

P.S. For all your Yom Kippur needs, please enjoy this Yom Kippur website. If you are in need of a place to pray, check out this worldwide listing. And to enjoy a Yom Kippur thought from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of righteous memory, click here.

P.P.S. - If you have already become a partner in this campaign, we apologize for the repetition. Chances are that we are sending this to a different email address or that your check has not yet been processed. We are most grateful to you for your support and your understanding!

Conversely, if you are unable or unwilling to contribute, please note that these requests are not requirements but simply appeals to those who are able to help. You are always welcome to enjoy our website and subscriptions, regardless of whether or not you make a contribution.



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