DAILY MITZVAH (Maimonides): Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Elul 1, 5771 · August 31, 2011
Today's Mitzvah
A daily digest of Maimonides' classic work "Sefer Hamitzvot"

Negative Commandment 75
A Ritually Impure Priest Serving in the Holy Temple

"They shall separate themselves from the things which the children of Israel make holy, and they shall not profane My holy name"—Leviticus 22:2.

A ritually impure priest is forbidden from performing any service in the Holy Temple.

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Negative Commandment 76
A "Tevul Yom" Serving in the Holy Temple

"They shall not profane the name of their G‑d"—Leviticus 21:6.

[A tevul yom is an individual who was impure and immersed himself in a mikvah (ritual pool). Though he is now pure, there are still certain restrictions upon him until the sun sets that day.]

A priest who is a tevul yom, though pure, is forbidden from doing any service in the Holy Temple until the sun sets.

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Positive Commandment 24
Sanctification of a Priest before Service

"And Aaron and his sons will use it to wash their hands and feet when they enter the Tent of the Assembly"—Exodus 30:19.

The kohanim (priests) are commanded to wash their hands and feet before entering the Holy Temple's sanctuary and before commencing any of their Temple duties.

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Negative Commandment 69
A Blemished Priest Entering the Holy Temple

"He shall not approach the curtain, nor come near to the altar..."—Leviticus 21:23.

A priest who possesses a physical blemish is forbidden from entering the Holy Temple's sanctuary or the area between the Outer Altar (including the altar) and the Sanctuary.

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Negative Commandment 70
A Blemished Priest Serving in the Holy Temple

"...who has any blemish shall not approach"—Leviticus 21:17.

A priest who possesses a physical blemish is forbidden from serving in the Holy Temple.

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Negative Commandment 71
A Priest with a Temporary Blemish Serving in the Holy Temple

"Any man that has a blemish, shall not approach"—Leviticus 21:18.

A priest who possesses a temporary physical blemish is forbidden from serving in the Holy Temple—so long as the blemish exists.

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Want even more? These mitzvot are discussed at length in today's three-chapter Maimonides study regimen.
Dedicated in memory of
Carolyn P. Schmidt.

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